apparent intensity

英 [əˈpærənt ɪnˈtensəti] 美 [əˈpærənt ɪnˈtensəti]

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  1. In a quiet room, place a watch so that it can just scarcely be heard. Listen carefully and notice how the ticking increases in apparent intensity, fades to a point where it cannot be heard, and then increases again.
  2. Listen carefully and notice how the ticking increases in apparent intensity, fades to a point where it cannot be heard, and then increases again.
  3. Listen carefully and notice how the ticking increases in apparent intensity.
  4. The result shows that the apparent porosity exerts greater influence on the intensity of cement paste. To add air-detraining admixture and water reducer in the cement paste can obviously reduce the porosity and increase the intensity.
  5. Consequently present methods, in which the apparent quantum yields can be calculated by employing the incident radiation intensity, always underestimate quantum yields calculations.
  6. In terms of inversion method and programme for frequency-domain magnetization intensity, airborne magnetic data from the Tangshan-Luanxian earthquake region are processed and the horizontal distribution of apparent magnetization intensity in this region is obtained.
  7. Loess is of such characters as low moisture content, high intensity, apparent structure feature, but meeting water, the intensity is reduced rapidly, and the structure is apt to be destructed etc, landslip drilling requires full sample explored consecutively in whole hole without disturbing.
  8. At first, the method of inversing apparent magnetic intensity in crust by using aeromagnetic anomaly and the sections of magnetic structure in Fen-Wei downfaulted belt are showed in this paper.
  9. Apparent rate constant k is dependent on original concentration of methyl orange, the concentration of catalyst and absorbed intensity of radiation I_ ( abs).
  10. Finally, the influence of electrical resistivity on the apparent intensity of polarization of disseminated spherical ore bodies is discussed.
  11. Briefly presented warm compaction process and mainly studied warm compaction process performance of high performance iron-based mixed power from process stability, flow rate, apparent density, compact density, compact intensity and tensile intensity aspects, which was researched and developed by us.
  12. Study on the distribution of apparent magnetization intensity and its relation to earthquakes in tangshan-Luanxian earthquake region
  13. The results reveal that the apparent viscosity of PP/ POE melt decreases with ultrasonic intensity increasing during extrusion of PP/ POE. The introduction of ultrasonic irradiation could improve the output of extrudate and reduce the die pressure.
  14. The results were: SDS led to the reduction of apparent absorption intensity and blue shift of absorption peaks;
  15. It was found that under either light or electron microscope, there was rather apparent damage of the tissues in the contusion zone and also various intensity of damage in both the internal and external layers of the concussion zone at the 6th hour after injury.
  16. The apparent colour intensity of dyed fabrics were estimated before and after the darkening finishing.
  17. Reducing the apparent velocity of gas or increasing the recycling intensity of catalyst could increase the catalyst concentration in the downer, but would reduce the uniformity of catalyst distributing.
  18. Similarly, apparent carboxylation efficiency increased with light intensity but CO_2 compensation point decreased.
  19. The inversion result reflects obvious difference between apparent magnetic intensity of the earthquake region on the western margin of the Basin and that of central Sichuan.
  20. Methods Sixty-seven patients with hyperacute and acute cerebral infarction were divided six groups according to the time of attack. Parameters measured apparent diffusion coefficient ( ADC) in the DWI high signal intensity region and normal signal intensity just adjacent to high signal intensity.
  21. Apparent increases in frequency, intensity and distribution of harmful algal blooms ( HABs) have been observed on a global scale recently, which has become a significant environmental issue in coastal waters.
  22. Study of apparent viscosity of the MSBs by Falling Sphere indicate that the apparent viscosity decreases with the increasing of the air velocity, and increases with the increasing of the magnetic field intensity.
  23. The current social and economic development the trend of globalization has become apparent, market competition also grows in intensity.